Need a reliable place to keep your cars, trucks, boats, or outdoor gear? Look no further than the TC1333Z series from Toughcover. Our shelters are wide enough to fit all your big items and tough enough to protect them from sun, rain, and snow. They're great for any time of year.
Built Tough to Last
When we say Toughcover, we mean it. The TC1333Z series is all about being strong and lasting long. We use solid frames and top-notch materials that stand up to bad weather. So, you don't have to stress about your stuff getting damaged; we've got it under control.
Setup's a Snap
Don't worry about a big project; putting together a TC1333Z carport is straightforward. You'll have it up in no time, making it an awesome pick whether you need a stay-put carport or something you can move for special occasions. Trust the TC1333Z series for an easy-to-handle, flexible shelter solution.
With the TC1333Z series, Toughcover brings you a straightforward, sturdy solution for keeping your valuables safe from the weather. Check out our models today and find the shelter that fits your life.
Available Models:
Standard Size:
Model TC1333Z: W4.0 x L10.0 x H3.7 meters, (W13 x L33 x H12ft)
Model TC1339Z: W4.0 x L12.0 x H3.7 meters, (W13 x L39 x H12ft)
Model TC1345Z: W4.0 x L14.0 x H3.7 meters, (W40 x L80 x H12ft)
Extra Height:
Model TC1333HZ: W4.0 x L10.0 x H4.5 meters, (W13 x L33 x H15ft)
Model TC1339HZ: W4.0 x L12.0 x H4.5 meters, (W13 x L39 x H15ft)
Model TC1345HZ: W4.0 x L14.0 x H4.5 meters, (W40 x L80 x H15ft)


